Basic Low Altitude Tricks

Lead Instructor:  Bruce and Brian Spencer
 Access:  Public   Status:  Active   Lesson:  Free (Registration Required)
In this program, Brian covers the key points you need to know to pull off low altitude tricks, including safety requirements, the basics of trick riding, no handers, no footers, foot-grabs, bar spins and table tops. By the time you've completed this training you'll be drawing oohs and ahs from your family and friends and jealous stares from your enemies.

Lesson Specs


Lesson Chapters

  1. Introduction
  2. The Basics
  3. No Handers
  4. No Footers
  5. Foot Grabs
  6. Bar Spins
  7. Table Tops
  8. Conclusion

Lead Instructor

Bruce and Brian Spencer


Bruce and Brian Spencer are the founders and, respectively, the Chief Engineer and Chief Test Pilot for Vurtego, a leading producer of extreme pogo sticks.Bruce's background as an aerospace engineer for Northrop, working on the F-18 fighter, and then as a firefighter for 28 years, gave him the unique skill set necessary to create the most advanced pogo stick in the industry.


Other Lessons in This Course


All About the Pogo Stick

This show covers the history of pogo sticking and the hobby's evolution into an extreme sport.

Free (Registration Required)

Pogo Stick Physics and Technology

Learn about pogo stick design and how the physics of the new stick designs give it capabilities and altitudes never before thought possible.

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Basic Low Altitude Tricks

Pogo stick world record holder Brian Spencer covers the key points you need to know to pull off low altitude pogo tricks.

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Aggressive Free Riding

Pogo stick world record holder Brian Spencer teachs how to navigate obstacles, jumps, stairs and other challenges related to agressive free ride pogo-sticking in an urban/suburban environment.