
Introduction to YRG

Lead Instructor:  Diamond Dallas Page
 Access:  Public   Status:  Active   Lesson:  Free!
YRG is not your typical yoga class. We've taken it to a whole new level that is more like Commando Yoga. In fact, we used traditional yoga positions as our foundation and made certain modifications that make YRG an even better workout. Not only have we added new positions such as Diamond Cutter Lunges, we also teach you to add your own muscle resistance…isometrics and isokinetics…by engaging your muscles in every position for the entirety of the YRG workout. All the while, we teach you to use a heart monitor in order to make sure that you are in your fat burning or cardio zones so you can get the most out of each workout.

YRG is the perfect fusion of old school calisthenics and core stability training, along with the hot new concept of isometric and isokinetic strength training. We've taken a few time-tested calisthenics, like push-ups and squats, and we've turned up the heat by slowing them down into a slow-motion burn. This combination will add strength and endurance to anything you do.

Lesson Specs


Lesson Chapters

  1. Introduction
  2. About DDP
  3. Adapting Yoga
  4. The YRG Workout
  5. Conclusion

Lead Instructor

Diamond Dallas Page

Diamond Dallas Page, known around the sports entertainment world of professional wrestling as "DDP", was born Page Joseph Falkinburg in 1956, growing up in the beachside community of Pt. Pleasant, NJ. Page was an energetic kid, who would barrel through his grandma's kitchen on his tricycle, swing from chandeliers, and cannonball pool parties. His drive and ambition would lead him on an inspirational journey from being three-time world wrestling champion to his current endeavor of inspiring others to Own Your Life. DDP has developed his life changing YRG (Yoga for Regular Guys) system including books, audio cd's and DVD workouts and is touring the country to promote his system and after life changing results.


Other Lessons in This Course


Introduction to YRG

YRG is the perfect fusion of old school calisthenics and core stability training, along with the hot new concept of isometric and isokinetic strength training.


YRG Breathing, Isokinetics, Heart Monitor

Proper breathing, integrated isokinetics and the use of a heart monitor are all important parts of the YRG workout.

YRG Workout: For Regular Guys

YRG for Regular Guys 20 minute workout is geared for athletic guys and gals of any age who want to take their game to the next level.

YRG Workout: 50+ Years or Pounds

YRG 50+ 20 minute workout was created specifically for regular guys and gals need to lose 50 pounds or more or are 50+ years old.