
Competitive Skimboarding

Lead Instructor:  Paulo Prietto
 Access:  Public   Status:  Active   Lesson:  $5.00
Do you think you have what it takes to compete? If so, or if you want to find out what separates the competitive skimboarder from the casual skimboarder, then this show's for you. Learn how the competitors prepare and plan, what takes place at the event itself, and how a boarder gets, and keeps, sponsorship.

Lesson Specs


Lesson Chapters

  1. Introduction
  2. Competition Overview
  3. Practice
  4. Planning & Preparation
  5. At the Event
  6. Sponsorship
  7. Conclusion

Lead Instructor

Paulo Prietto

Paulo started skimboarding in 1989 and now competes in numerous contests in the U.S. and Mexico at the professional level. He was ranked as the top skimboarder in 2005 and 2006 and has always enjoyed teaching skimboarding. He started the Solag Skim School in 2004 to pass on his knowledge and love of the sport to the next generation.


Other Lessons in This Course

Free (Registration Required)

Skimboarding History and Basics

Learn skimboarding tips, tricks and techniques from Paulo Prietto.

Intermediate Skimboarding

Learn skimboarding tips, tricks and techniques from Paulo Prietto.

Competitive Skimboarding

Learn how to be a competitive skimboarder from Paulo Prietto.